Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I have a two-prong outlet on my forehead

that headline was saved as a cookie on my mom's computer... i wonder where that came from.

it's 130 and i'm going to have to get my day started soon. it's been nice to ward off the heat in the comfort of my mom's central air. however, eventually i have to head back home. there is always work to be done. i am a workaholic. i always have to be working. things must always get better. busy busy busy, think think think, progress work grow pass out. the story of my life.

lately i have been constantly famished. i think the actually culprit is serious dehydration. like, serious dehydration. wouldn't be surprised, because i'm already horrible at it, and the days have been so hot that i'm probably a lot more parched than i know. gotta keep drinking electrolytes.

this is a REALLY boring blog entry. blah blah blah, just a catalyst to get my day started right?

so here's a fact: venice (as in italy) became a world empire thousands of years ago because it managed to control the salt trade (it imposed a tariff on it). and, kosher salt is better to cook with than regualr iodized/table salt because the crystals are flat and they absorb into the food quicker. rock salt can be recycled for use over and over again (if used for baking). when salt interacts with the tongue, it makes a electric reaction that enhances the flavor of the food more. if you are stranded on a desert isle and you don't have a lot of freshwater, adding 1/3 salt water to your freshwater supply will extend the use of the freshwater in your body, forcing it to retain more water because it has to retain the salt.


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