Friday, November 02, 2007

no bagging

i really can't complain about my life. i have the most flexible job ever that pays more than decent, i have a workable studio, i have fabulous friends, and i'm not in a wheelchair. today, i just decided to take the day off work to enjoy it all.

i just want to revel. revelrevelletmerevel.

although i still hate cleaning my room.

my roommate comes back in a few days so i'm raiding more of his cds. i dont know why i'm feeling so secretive about it, because he gave me permission. i feel like a kid in a candy store looking at all those cds accumulated when you are 32 in year 2007 because for so long there was no downloading. and all the old classics. i got some shocking blue, old royal trux, francoise hardy, glenn branca, lou reed, things that are classic that i would feel weird buying at amoeba because i feel like i should already own them. only if there was technology to easily press all mp3s onto vinyl. oh, fantasies.


Annie Wang said...

yea i was thinking 3 for 25 is expensive. would it be totally chintzy for me to return underwear? is that gross? "um i'm a cheapo and i think i got ripped off?" i got it at the VS's "intimissimi" line which actually has pretty cute underwear for a little less than VS prices. i do need underwear though, during my closet cleaning i threw out a bunch of period panties. you know what i'm talking about.

Lia said...

i've returned underwear there before-- no big deal. i mean what are you supposed to do? i have some of that intimissi underwear. they are definitley cute. h&m makes a version of it that i think is more comfy but doesn't last as long... eh. try loehmann's though, they have hanky panky's for cheap.

Annie Wang said...

i seriously gotta hit up loehmanns, it's so close to where i work. god i'm hungry.