Sunday, November 25, 2007


one thing i forgot to mention in my last post was my weird and twisted dream i had a few nights ago:

the setting: i'm in college, not sure if it's graduate school or not, i guess it must be. on some anonymous campus. my friend maria and i are both students.

so, we're walking aound campus and all fo a sudden in our path is a news reporter, breaking the story that the first case of mad cow disease was exactly where we were standing, and is contagious through the air. so we're like, omg do we have mad cow disease? (we are both hypochondriacs) so we run away covering our nose and mouths, hoping we dont have it. the news reporter said we would feel it pretty instantly if we had it. so anyway, we run into the student union and we're fine.

the next day we're on campus and the same thing happens again-- the disease is spreading at such a fast pace people can't be quarantined fast enough. we make a rn for indoors again, covering our faces. maria tells me that our friend carla has already died of mad cow isease the day before in lake placid, where she lives in real life.

so then i wake up, in my dream. i wake up and realize what a silly dream i had. then as i was laughing about how ridiculous it was, i started to feel weird, thinking i might really have it after all. then i really woke up.

doesnt that sound like an episode of the twilight zone??@

1 comment:

Annie Wang said...

scaary. pandemics freak me out.