Friday, August 24, 2007

how many fresh starts do we get?

today is august 23, 2007, which marks the date of roughly my 10th or so blog i've started in my lifetime. every place i've lived i've at least started one blog. however, this one is really special because it's temporary until i get my real website up and running again. going through some major technical difficulties.

anyway, onto blogging content.

there are a lot of different type of blogs-- diaristic, documentary, commentary, culinary (a personal favorite of mine), poetic-- and to be honest they are all the same to me. i've usually gone the diaristic route, dabbled in commentary, already do the documentary via flickr. and partially done culinary when i did a fast for a few months. so what's left??! absurdity?

i'm one of those people who thinks everything is absurd, in retrospective. it's a way of dealing with and containing a more capable understanding of the overwhelming world. and i think blogs are very much like that. what i'm trying to say is, blogging is absurd; but we're addicted. i am addicted. instead of reading lytoard, benjamin and jameson like a good little art school graduate (i'm telling myself i'll do all of that in grad school), i can't go days without reading my superficial, the flog, art.LA, salon, GFG, not to mention the plethora of friends' blogs. and now we have myspace blogs, which are conveniently attached to myspace pages which have undeniably become an important social thread in our culture (as much as i'd liek to believe i could survive without a myspace page, it's clear that i am not social enough to live without one), and myspace bulletins, which are kind of used like blogs for those who are afraid to commit.

i hope one day to figure it out.

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